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Fresh Wheatgrass
Fresh, ready to juice 100% pure organic wheatgrass. Up to 15 days supply of  fresh wheatgrass at its peak nutritious value.

7,20 &MAD;
Tribest Z-Star 700-test onglet

Tribest Z-Star 700 is the simplest manual juicer on the market. It is the ideal tool to extract wheatgrass juice.

140,00 &MAD;
(-93,14%) 9,60 &MAD;
Tribest Z-Star 710 test sans onglet

Tribest Z-Star 710 is the simplest manual juicer on the market. It is the ideal tool to extract wheatgrass juice.

150,00 &MAD;
(-93,60%) 9,60 &MAD;
Wheatgrass Juice Glass
4ml shotglass by pair

Available in several colors: Transparent, Green, Silver

9,60 &MAD;